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2 this week. OSCA - Round 3 dvd australia ‘A’ GRADE v dvd australia PORT DISTRICTS @ SCOTCH After taking up residency in the Edinburgh Front Bar over the past few Saturday’s, it was pleasing to have a warm sunny day for OSCA Senior’s one-day clash with Port Districts. With the finals still some months away the pitch was in tact and looking good for some runs. Yet again, the skipper won dvd australia the toss, and decided to bat first. Some tight bowling from Port Districts and Boycott like batting saw OSCA struggle to the first drinks break on an uninspiring 2/17 off 17 overs. Despite James “Angry Pills” Pascoe trying to fire up OSCA, another quick wicket after drinks saw OSCA on the ropes. An entertaining 47 run partnership between Angus “I Can Slog” Hogben (29) and Anthony “34 off 34 (overs that is)” Tucker steadied the OSCA ship and built a platform for the final 15 overs. After these two were dismissed, John “Yes, Wait, No!“
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