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17 ibid., p 56. 18 Phil Rothfield, ‘Players don’t have right to be avengers’, Sunday Telegraph, 30 June 1991, quoted in Freeman, op. cit., p 195. 19 ibid. 20 Freeman, op. cit., plump porn p 185. 21 ibid., p 253. 22 ibid., p. 221. 23 ibid., p. 200. 24 Donald F. Sabo and Joe Panepinto, ‘Football ritual and the social representation of masculinity’, in Messner and Sabo (eds), op. cit., p 115. 25 plump porn Freeman, op. cit., p 197. 26 ibid., p 169. 27 plump porn Sabo and Panepinto, op. cit., p 125. 28 Freeman, op. cit., p 81. 29 ibid., p 259. 30 ibid., p 314. 31 Review of ‘The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert’, The San Francisco Chronicle, 10 August 1994. 32 Cover of New Idea, 22 October 1994. 33 Carolyn Randoe, ‘Top guy’, New Idea, 22 October 1994, p 16. 34 John Champagne, ‘Dancing queen? Feminist and gay male spectatorship in three recent films from Australia’, Film Criticism, no 21, 1997, p 74.
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