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This time, Tim Sheens coaches the Sydneysiders peter brock who are the favourites against the country cousins peter brock expected to go down bravely, whereas in '89 he had the Raiders who won 19-14. That game brought a bad memory for Balmain coach Warren Ryan who removed his two props Paul Sironen and Steve Roach from the field when he believed it was won and was unable to return them as he would nowadays under peter brock a revamped interchange system, a decision that shadowed Ryan's career thereafter. It was revealed this week that the Clive Churchill Medal for player of the grand final which went to Raiders lock Brad Clyde that day was decided not by the Aussie test selectors, as is the norm, but by the league's then-chief executive, John Quayle, from Sydney. There was another great game in 1991 when the Panthers took their first title 19-12 against Canberra, retiring Penrith skipper Royce Simmons scoring two tries and in the after-match interviews tiredly telling the crowd that he would "buy every one of youse a beer".
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