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plump tits , horse trainers shares, pictures of fat girls , mexico, Keir and Sue generously allowed organisers the use of their house as a meeting place, workshop and dumping ground for the tonnes of tools, wood and metalwork used in making the obstacles. Some of hardware the obstacles started life as giant toys for Lachlan and Kelly, and unless they have been moved, hardware some of the obstacles returned to Keir and Sue's yard after the event remain at Gladesville to hardware this day. Thank you, Sue for your "catering" for the ravening hoards. Thank you Lachlan and Kelly for testing our obstacles before the big event. Matthew and Keir both fought valiantly and tirelessly against the University bureaucracy in what should have been the simple task of getting approval to hold the event. Matthew recalls long hours with Uni Officials trying to persuade them of the goodness of our intentions, and Keir recalls long hours spent trying to convince Matthew against harming University Officials.
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