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Australian petanque team. In the beautiful town of Marsden, 90km north of Wellington, our team of five men and two women, guided by coach Alan Irwin, won peter brock back the Trans-Tasman trophy - the first time an Australian side has won a trophy in petanque. Fred Mayer. TFF has a new leader in most time spent in a hard contact sport. The Hungarian-born Mayer commenced playing water polo for the Bondi Club in 1950 and played continuously until peter brock 2003, ending his water polo career of 54 years - peter brock at the age of 75 - with the Sydney University Club. Beat that! Still, equally impressive is Geoff Stook. TFF readers in Perth report Mr Stook has been playing grade rugby for 40 years and is running around in third grade for the Associates (Soaks) club in Perth.
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