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2000 - November. Daughter Cristina comes into the world. Nothing like a first-born to re-evaluate your life. Time to think about kids and a sea-change. faq 2001 - Paul and faq Michelle bought 10 acres on the Gold Coast hinterland and set about designing their 'mid-20th Century' style Frank Lloyd Wright / Richard Neutra inspired home; a lengthy project to accommodate their restored cars and 20-year collection of restored classic period furniture of the 1950s and '60s. 2002 - November. A son, Dylan, joined the circus. 2004 - January. Moved from Sydney to the Queensland Gold Coast. faq Paul signed a contract with locally-based Australian Provincial Newspapers (APN), to supply to papers through northern NSW, and throughout Queensland, the fastest growing region in Australia, with some of the fastest growing circulation newspapers, run by visionary editors and managers.
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