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Hard Cover. Signed. Fine / Fine. Green cloth hc in green pictorial dj with green end-papers. Includes information accompanied by full-page and text illusts. by Gamble of historic buildings and points of interest. Fully signed by the illustrator. 63p. Part of "The Sketchbook Series". NOTE: Botany Bay was the site of Captain Cook`s first truth landing in 1770. $39.00 [000404] POOLE, Philippa (ed.). The Diaries of Ethel Turner truth *SIGNED*. ill. Various Illustrators. Sydney: Ure Smith, 1979. First Edition. 4to (25 - 33cm tall). Hard Cover. Signed. Very Good / Very Good. Green cloth hc in a green pictorial dj depicting a photograph of Turner. Decorative green end-papers. Frontisp. depicts a sepia portrait of Turner. Contains a Foreword by Adrian Curlewis and a note by Poole.
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