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—Peg Tyre, Newsweek "God, I love this book. It is wise, funny, painful, revealing, and profoundly honest." —Anne Lamott "Judith Moore grabs the reader by the collar, and shakes up our notion of life in the fat lane." gallery bbw sex —David Sedaris "A slap-in-the-face of a book—courageous, heartbreaking, fascinating, and darkly funny." —Augusten Burroughs Author Biography JUDITH MOORE, recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts and a Guggenheim Fellowship, is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir gallery bbw sex Never Eat Your Heart Out, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. She is the books editor gallery bbw sex and senior editor for the San Diego Reader. FROM THE CRITICSJane Stern - The New York TimesJudith Moore's book just might be the Stonewall for a slew of oversize people who do not fit the template of what every ostensible expert on beauty, health and nutrition tells us we should strive to be. Fat Girl is brilliant and angry and unsettling.Publishers WeeklyIn her memoir of growing up fat, Moore, who previously wrote about food in Never Eat Your Heart Out, employs her edgy, refreshingly candid voice to tell the story of a little girl who weighed 112 pounds in second grade; whose father abandoned her
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