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The screenplay does not dawdle: opening with a child's eerily unchildlike song, the film takes us immediately bbw date to the girls in full motion, theorizing about the best ways to lose their virginity: Elena, imagining sex as love, and Anaïs believing detached sensuality an act of empowerment - "The first time," she resolves with uncynical matter-of-factness "should be with a nobody." No sooner voiced than done, Elena in record speed, despite all requisite bbw date second-thinking, bbw date gives herself over to the uncannily accurate persuasions of a foreign law student/Lothario (Libero di Rienzo as Fernando), while Anaïs, wishing for sleep in the next bed, cannot help but wince at every bad line of his and every painful moan from the mouth of her sister, succumbed. But in the daylight hours, the tables turn, and with the almost too obvious visual link between fellatio and gorging on a baguette, it is Elena who looks on with disgust as Anaïs engages in her own sensual subjugation, piling her plate high with potato salad, chewing endlessly on mock phallic sweets, and lathering herself with whipped lotion, before playing at being indecisive seductress alone in the water between alternate ways out.