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Privacy Notice © 1996-2006,, Inc. or its affiliates Index Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 Veranstaltungen Referenten 21C3 Fahrplan recovery and addiction body image Version 1.1.7 21st Chaos Communication CongressVorträge und Workshops Referenten b9punk Fahrplan Tag 3 Ort Haecksen Beginn 13:00 Uhr Dauer 00:30 INFO ID 140 Art recovery and addiction body image Vortrag Themenbereich Culture Sprache englisch FEEDBACK Hast Du diese Veranstaltung besucht?Bewerte diese Veranstaltung! A Fat Girl's Intimate Perspective on Hacker Culture and Spaces How to Survive a Cock Fight, without a Cock Despite her gender handicap, b9punk has managed to chill out in the American Hacker scenes recovery and addiction body image and retain her self-respect. Her contemporaries think that's a pretty big accomplishment and would like her to talk to you about her (pending) patented formula for what she crudely calls "putting up with the bullpucky, and getting something out of the hacker scene besides sex.