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World The Year of the Yao* The Young Unknowns* Yours, Mine, & Ours Zathura group sex stories Standard Edition DVD Features DVD Reviews 3 Trailers & Clips Tools: Rate This Movie Add Article Add to list Email a Friend Compare prices for Fat Girl merchandise DVD: group sex stories Standard Edition Lowest Price (New) $20.91 Lowest Price (Used) $9.99 CONSENSUSThe controversial Fat Girl is an unflinchingly harsh but group sex stories powerful look at female adolescence.CAST & CREWAnaïs Reboux, Roxane Mesquida, Libero de RienzoDirected by Catherine Breillatmore...SYNOPSISTake two very naive, very young French girls--one a thin 15-year-old, Elena (Roxane Mesquida), and the other her fat 12-year-old sister, Anaïs (Anaïs Reboux).