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Terms and Privacy Policy under which this service is provided to you. An company. Advertise celebrity on IMDb. License our content. Fat celebrity Girl (A Ma Soeur!) The last time United States audiences heard of French writer/director Catherine Breillat (To Mathieu) was when she released Romance, a pretentious porno disguised as an art house film. celebrity This time around, she still sets out to shock the audience, but there is a little more substance behind her lurid imagery. Fat Girl is about the sexual awakening of two very different sisters; twelve-year-old Anais (Anais Reboux) and fifteen-year-old Elena (Roxane Mesquida, Gaia, The School of Flesh). The two are on vacation with their parents and are looking to lose their virginity. To them, sexual experience is good and attracts men. Men do no want inexperienced women, and do not like sleeping with virgins.