"Fat Girl" is art susan stinson adult links

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literature p, albert goldberg, adult links, bbw pictures, biggirls, rich, chubby girl, dvdreview: fat girl (À ma soeur!), artist, lyricss, bliss fat girl slim - 6 oz, FAT GIRL Review by Ed Nguyen susan stinson Stars: Anaïs Reboux, Roxane Mesquida, Libero de Rienzo, Arsinée Khanjian Director: Catherine Breillat susan stinson Audio: French stereo 2.0 and DTS 5.1 Subtitles: English Video: Color, anamorphic widescreen 1.85:1 Studio: Criterion Features: Making-Of featurette, interviews, trailers, essays Length: 86 minutes Release Date: October 19, 2004 "The others susan stinson don't count.  I only sleep with them because I'm a guy.  That's all." "So if you slept with me, I'd be like all the other girls?" "No, I'd respect you." Film *** Catherine Breillat is one of the most controversial directors in France today.  Her daring, openly sexual style of direction has provoked some widely divergent reactions, even within the relatively open-minded European film community.  One of her early films, 36 Filette (1988), concerned the sexual maturity of a fourteen year old girl. 
"Fat Girl" is art house fare that will have problems getting an audience. It is too graphic, sexually, for teens and adolescents and adults will not likely be drawn to a tale of pre-teen angst. The abruptly violent finish will disturb kids (and, probably, adults), too. This leads me to adult links a problem that I have with the film. While there is a sense of foreboding in the minutes leading up to the shocking finale, there is nothing to prepare the viewer adult links for the shock of murderous violence. This from-left-field adult links conclusion left me feeling cheated by the writer who seems bent on shocking the audience, not "finishing" the story. I give it a C+. Back To Current Show Next ShowPrevious Show Home | Reviews |  Ratings  | Top 10 | Video | Crew | Article | Links ..
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