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Store Cat. Review-a-Day Blog Win Free Books! Daily Dose March 8, 2006 Archived Editions More biography health and fitness newsletters biography health and fitness More copies of this ISBN: Used, Hardcover, $10.95 Used, Hardcover, $14.95 Used, Hardcover, $15.50 Sale, Hardcover, $17.50 New, Hardcover, $21.95 This title in other formats: New, Trade paper, $13.00 Used, Trade paper, $8.95 Fat Girl: A True Story by Judith Moore ISBN:1594630097 (More details...) Available at:Beaverton, Burnside, Quimby Warehouse Synopses & Reviews Publisher Comments: A nonfiction She’s Come Undone, Fat Girl is a powerfully honest and compulsively readable memoir of obsession with food, and with one‛s body, penned biography health and fitness by a Guggenheim and NEA award-winning writer. For any woman who has ever had a love/hate relationship with food and with how she looks; for anyone who has knowingly or unconsciously used food to try to fill the hole in his heart or soothe the craggy edges of his psyche, Fat Girl is a brilliantly rendered, angst-filled coming-of-age story of gain and loss.
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