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yeah baby! :thumbs_up: california exotic SassySarah05-27-2004, 03:37 AMDan- Love your new site. The layout's awesome and you have quality content. :lol: To animated Hal. He's adorable. Though, I doubt he'd wear a shirt like that. But that's my opinion.;) MichaelsPatience05-27-2004, 06:36 AMThanks so much. :blush: I love animated Hal....too cute! But they california exotic forgot to add on the leather wrist bands he's always wearing. I have a friend who gave Hal a new t-shirt a few weeks ago, it's black, has a california exotic white arrow pointing down to his crotch and says "atkins approved" I have a feeling he'll wear that. ;) Hee...I think I am going to see Hal do stand up at the end of June in NYC! :wiggle: SassySarah05-27-2004, 08:09 PMI hadn't noticed that. Good observation on the wrist bands. :lol: Let me know if any pics surface with him wearing that shirt. And you lucky ho!