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Dirty, selfish to the core underneath the well craftedfacades? Or was it money that corrupted the children? latex Or was it America at large? The land of plenty, the land of opportunity... Opportunity to do what? To be rich? To own a yacht? Were kids to blame if the only options they saw ahead of them, if the only thing that was truly respected and bought you respect was money, regardless of how latex you got it? Was this what they were to live for? Philip and Joey and Anne were all three off their rockers as latex far as their parents were concerned. Joey was at fault for not wanting to be a lawyer, for not being in pre-law. " Just undecided, " his father fumed, " with all I've done for you ..." Philip! Why did he want to waste his life in art? painting? what kind of crazy way was that to make a living. What? You want to starve all your life? Crazy kid. Don't worry you'll get over it. You better! Then there was Anne. She scared the hell out of her parents. Spend two years in a god awful jungle with those animals, the Africans?