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LoVe YoU gUyS.!.! BUT IF YOU'RE AN MJ HATER..I DON'T WANNA BE YOU'RE FRIEND...BUT IF YOU'RE AN MJ LOVER...WELL WE WILL GREAT UnTiL wHeNeVeR...pEaCe OuT! Who I'd like to meet: FiRsT aNd FoReMoSt...MICHAEL JACKSON....hE's ThE gReAtEsT eNtErTaInEr In ThE uNiVeRsE...aNd I ♥ hIs SiNgInG aNd DaNcInG...tHeN tHe GOTTI BROS.,HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN,NATALIE PORTMAN,...Um...AlL tHe JACKSON BROS...JANET JACKSON....CHRIS BROWN..aNd I cAn'T love letters fOrGeT BILL love letters COSBY! Which Michael Jackson Quote Are You!?!? by impureDeathName:DOB:Would you ever share your bed with Jackson? o_OAnd your MJ quote is::::"I am a very sensitive person. A person with very vulnerable feelings. My best friends in the whole love letters world are children and animals.