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Then, too, there is no small amount of satisfaction for me in seeing a lover's eyes widen in amazement at my growing bulk, knowing all the while that there are very few women willing and happy to nude chubby let someone share in such a simple pleasure. Growing fatter, however, is first and foremost a matter of loving myself, and only secondarily a nude chubby form of erotic expression to share with my lover. My first experience with weight gain occurred when I quit smoking in the late 80's. In less than three months nude chubby I put on 30 pounds. But far from being dismayed, I found myself in a state of heightened emotional and sexual excitement. I enjoyed the added fullness to my breasts and thighs and loved how much more I jiggled when I moved. It was such a wonderful experience that over the next several months I experimented with deliberately overeating and gained yet another 30 pounds.