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lol.</STRONG> As previously said I really enjoyed this rock & roll scene. And boy did they both look pretty. I'm loving the lighting people this season. Oh, and the wardrobe people. smilies/biggrin.gif <STRONG>Well, um, if they knew each rock & roll other in the 7th could they met, according to season 1 storylines, when they were 14 years old? I was the youngest person in my entire 8th grade rock & roll class, and when we graduated I was 13..everyone else was 14. So, 14 years old and in the 7th grade? Doesn't sound like B/M were all that smart huh? smilies/lol.gif</STRONG> Another infamous CowLip slip-up. smilies/wink.gif Just to add, loved the new opener. Loved the song, loved the boys, loved the set-up. And even though I'm hardcore B/J, my fave part of the whole thing is the B/M smoking. As you can see from my avie. smilies/wink.gif Not only was it freaken cute, but I personally have a fondness for smoking (disgusting habit, I know), so when I see people smoking I go "awww".