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Philip gets back to the canvas. He is worried and mutters: cute plumpers tonight huh? we'll see about that... The play was called cute plumpers "Who will buy these wonderful roses" and this was cute plumpers a rehearsal night. But how ironic it all might seem to the outsider. An expatriated failed Irish poet, living in Connecticut, writing a play about college kids from affluent families tragically losing their lives. Where was the tragedy precisely? Was it this unfeeling, untouching, distant, WASP way of life? Dirty, selfish to the core underneath the well craftedfacades? Or was it money that corrupted the children? Or was it America at large? The land of plenty, the land of opportunity... Opportunity to do what? To be rich? To own a yacht? Were kids to blame if the only options they saw ahead of them, if the only thing that was truly respected and bought you respect was money, regardless of how you got it?