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"Listen to Kevin Connor's morning show fat asian girls on KGSR in Austin, TX-he is a big TOFOG fan and has played the single already! On April 7th, AOL will do a TOFOG 'OTHER WAYS OF SPEAKING' listening party to launch the new release. More info to come on that soon." (Thanks to Ray) Also, be sure to listen to KFOG in the San Francisco Bay Area for a possible play on the morning show. We suggest you all listen to your local radio stations and if they play the song, call in and fat asian girls tell them how much you fat asian girls love it! If they don't play it, call in and request it! And don't forget, you can still pre-order the cd and save! 4/1/03 Happy April Fools Day! (In case you are wondering where our annual April Fools home page is -- we just weren't feeling up to doing it with all the current turmoil around the world.
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