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Andrew Johns 3/5 Goals Queensland 10  - Wendall Sailor, Matt Sing tries. Darren Lockyer 1/1 Goal. Ben Ikin 0/1 Referee: dvd australia Bill Harrigan.  Crowd: 40,447.  Halftime New South Wales 20 Queensland 6 QUEENSLAND TEAM : Darren Lockyer (Brisbane), Wendell Sailor (Brisbane), Steve Renouf (Brisbane), Darren Smith (Brisbane), Matt Sing (Sydney City), Kevin Walters (Brisbane), dvd australia Allan Langer (Brisbane c), Steve Price (Canterbury), Gorden Tallis (Brisbane), Brad Thorn (Brisbane), Gary Larson (North Sydney), Jason Hetherington (Canterbury), Shane Webcke (Brisbane). Res: Ben Ikin (North Sydney), Tonie Carroll (Brisbane), Wayne Bartrim (St George), Martin dvd australia Lang (Cronulla). Coach : Wayne Bennett NEW SOUTH WALES TEAM : Tim Brasher (South Sydney), Adam Macdougall (Newcastle), Terry Hill (Manly), Paul McGregor (Illawarra), Rod Wishart (Illawarra), Laurie Daley (Canberra, capt), Andrew Johns (Newcastle), Brad Fittler (Sydney City), David Barnhill (Sydney City), Dean Pay (Parramatta), Paul Harragon (Newcastle), Geoff Toovey (Manly), Rodney Howe (Melbourne).
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