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We feel betrayed. How could sail boats they do this to our young swimmers? Future sail boats champions. A Current Affair breaks the latest in a string of allegations. The shocking revelations. A must-see for all Australians.      The Australian Rugby Union wants to ban the singing of Waltzing Matilda at the World Cup. Who are they kidding? They also want to ban rain and low crowd numbers. What’s with this sail boats song anyway? When did our sons of doctors and lawyers become so romantically attached to sheep-stealing swagmen? And when did these north-shore private-school lads become so bloody numerous. It’s no wonder Howard is killing it in the polls. These cunts have been breeding like buggery up in the boardroom. It’s all becoming clear now. The unions have been smashed. The word “union” will from this day forth only be uttered after the word rugby. There is no working class to speak of. They’ve been replaced by ordinary Australian shareholders.
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