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Winger: Nathan Blacklock, 23. Every team now has a pseudo Californian air-head wanking sports motivator in their team. plump girl So whenever a player makes a monumental blunder, he is a plump girl hero so it won’t worry him. Nathan Blacklock errors have cost the Dragons three tries in the last two matches. But he’s got plump girl more pats on the bum than at a gay mardi gras. Potentially a game breaker, but recent form is woeful Rating: 6/10. Centre: Paul McGregor, 31. Anybody with the moniker of “Mary’’ would wanna be able to play a bit. McGregor has single-handedly torn apart better sides than Melbourne. If he’s on fire, the scoreboard will be ticking over faster than a Sydney cab driver’s metre. But the flame has not shone recently. Rating: Potentially 11/10. Probably 5/10. Five-eighth: Anthony Mundine , 24. Wonder what the Black Muslim Man thinks about his honky team-mates calling him Choc. Queenslanders find Mundine easy to hate which is fitting as he is the greatest five-eighth since Wally Lewis.
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