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The Sydney Morning Herald. advertise | contact us  AFTER GROG BLOG « PRICE CHECK | Main | GUT REACTION » WE BAD Rugby League then. Yes, really. I like Peter Stirling, and pictures of fat girls in small doses I can even handle Rabbs Warren; in a let's-take-it-back-to-the-fifties way, that is. But just who the hell was that commentating with them at yesterday's Tigers Broncos match? What a cock! Besides pictures of fat girls talking ladle-loads of general tripe, late in the game pictures of fat girls the Tigers were awarded a penalty for backchat. This caused the cock to explode with indignation: Cock: "Blah! Rant! Rave! More blah! That was a disgraceful penalty!" Sterlo: "Hang on. We don't know what was said."
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