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This seduction sequence's duration and relentless coaxing makes it one of the most quietly devastating scenes in recent memory. fat woman While Fernando uses fat woman neither physical force nor harsh words, with his verbal manipulation and emotional violence, he essentially rapes Elena. Against Elena's abuse, Breillat does not offer any alternative way for a girl to lose her virginity. In the film's shocking final minutes, Anais has her fat woman first sexual experience as well, and which follows the same pattern of manipulation and exploitation as Elena's. Anais, however, refuses to buy into the lies of the traumatic event. Elena, somewhat foolishly, believes that she and Fernando will be married and that their relationship is true love; only this justification it seems can soothe the wounds of her lost innocence. Breillat brings to the loss of the girls' virginity some truly menacing, depressing, and erotic elements that make the experience intensely muddled and complicated, contrary to more traditional, "romantic," narratives.