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That really made a difference, that other 13-year-olds would not be watching the movie. Q: In the last third of the movie, when the family leaves their vacation, the tone shifts radically. Did you worry about losing the audience at that point? CB: You have to get things out of your own system. With me, I want to … it's the sincerity of my work, so interviews it's not for the audience. It's just for myself and it's very, interviews very, very true. I think it's the artistic way to make films and it's not against the audience. Because interviews if you do that, I think that the audience can understand, at least sort of get it. Because I always think that movies are not for everyone, not like in Hollywood, but are like painting. When you make a painting, it's just yourself against yourself. And then if it's very, very, very beautiful, it costs a lot of money, it's very expensive to buy, because it's so beautiful, art.