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But being overweight has been linked to all manner of serious problems... I'd like a media outlet to briefly stop delegitimizing girls' [and reality porn women's and everyone's] experiences in general, honestly. It drives me insane that reality porn media coverage of such things never gets the reality or breadthof people's experience. Cause the more we saw that some folks' experience of being [insert "other"-branded trait here], the more that would spread. It would just take an effing sentence. « maybe the operative word is 'school'... | Main | fat media update number two » your wicked thoughts reality porn i agree for the most part..that fat girls can b hot.. im not saying im hot.. im fat tho.. i no i am.. i luv shopping.. i would luv it more if i was in the small to medium section tho!.. im sure evry fat teenage girl even 10-12 year olds all r subconsious about their weight. Some people are 160 pounds being 13 years old. I am not saying that is bad i mean i weigh .. not saying...