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Like Romance and Sex is Comedy, Fat Girl is very much a feminist statement. But unlike Sex is Comedy, my wife in bed. Fat Girl isn't taxing and doesn't do the thinking for us, and unlike Romance, it's daringly sexy. This may be why Breillat intimidates so many critics, especially men: because she uses sex as philosophical titillation—a place very few people want to go when they're trying to get off. Fat Girl is my wife in bed. a riveting experiment in intellectual rigor, emotional displacement, and my wife in bed. philosophical perseverance. Too smart for her family, Anaïs longs for the friendship of television's intellectuals, and she laments the fact that she "was born too late." There's an overwhelming sense that this quintessential French girl is well equipping herself for survival. One could say that she is too intellectual for her own good. With the final moments of Fat Girl, Breillat likens sex to the allure of a road accident waiting to happen. The director toys with the sensation of horror, and this brilliantly mounted sequence traffics in sexual initiation.