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In addition to a Dolby Digital 5.1 surround track, the diet fat low folks at Criterion have been generous enough to include a DTS track here. If your system can handle it, then you're diet fat low in for a surprise. And if you don't think the film deserves the DTS treatment, just fast-forward to the monster trucks diet fat low sequence and listen for yourself. In addition to a Sight and Sound essay on Fat Girl, included inside the film's booklet is an interview with Catherine Breillat from the French film magazine Positif. Breillat fans know that the director doesn't exactly make a good impression on paper, and as such those unfamiliar with her work may find her less threatening throughout the slim but worthwhile extras included here: a behind-the-scenes featurette spliced together from footage of the shooting of the film's crucial sex scene and interspersed with typical grand statements by the director (par exemple: "Cinema is the art of the impossible"); two interviews with the director, one from the 2001 Berlin Film Festival conducted by German journalists and a second that features the film's alternate ending.