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Usually the truth can only be found on an individual basis. Women who complain that they bad look "fat" in size 6 jeans often experience the same feelings of insecurity as someone who wears size 16. (Trust me, I've been both sizes.) Has it ever occurred to readers that most books, including "Conversations with the Fat bad Girl" focus on the heavy bad heroine who lusts after the HUNKY guy?? They berate that they are judged on their overweight appearances, yet the main characters THEMSELVES are drawn only to "attractive" men! It epitomizes everything they are denouncing! Throughout this book, constant references and put-downs are made concerning the unattractive and geekish guys they previously dated. "Conversations..." is a WONDERFUL book that offers a terrific and funny insight into the mindset of overweight individuals. I think that it should be "mandatory reading" for every Personal Trainer out there!