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Because I always think that movies are not for everyone, not like in Hollywood, but are like painting. When you make a painting, it's just yourself against yourself. And then if it's very, very, very beautiful, it costs a lot of money, it's very expensive to buy, because it's television plays and programs so beautiful, art. And I think television plays and programs movies are the same. Art movies are not against the audience, because television plays and programs something is very, very true. Q: Anaïs says that a girl's first lover should be nobody, but her older sister is insistent on the idea of romantic love and becomes involved with the law student whose lies are so transparent. CB: He's just on holiday and he's had this experience several times. He knows that it's just a little love, a summer love. It's just the natural attraction of two young people, passionate desire with a little love, a summer love.