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Eat what you want as long as you eat healthy and exercise MOST of the time. She offers no diet plans or exercise routines. "We are responsible for our own campus life decisions about our bodies," she says. Obviously, Shanker is just one more opinion in the sea but at least hers floats on an inner tube campus life of common sense. I love this woman! I love the book! I could relate to most of what she said campus life and felt such a relief in reading it. I am no longer alone. I found myself reading sections over again (I won't say which ones because that's personal to my own melodrama and you'll probably have your own favourites). Numerous times I felt she was looking into my head. Yikes! I don't even want to be there half the time. This book isn't just for fat people. It's for the people who love fat people, date fat people, are friends with fat people and for people who just don't understand fat people (a.k.a.