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The best scenes in Fat Girl, in fact, are the quiet scenes between the two facial sisters as they share laughter and their private thoughts. Seeing a tearful Anaïs, Eléna (and not the parents) is the one to comfort her sister. When Eléna starts to express uncertainty over Fernando's intentions, she turns to facial Anaïs (and not their mother) for moral advice. As facial sisters, they share their secrets and their pains; their familial bond is strengthened, rather than weakened, by their different attitudes - "That's why we're sisters. When I hate you, I look at you, and then I can't. It's like hating part of myself." The men in Breillat's films are generally depicted in a negative light. This is the case with Fat Girl's Fernando. Although he is truly not a bad person, Fernando still personifies many of the vices and insincerities of young men accustomed to manipulating women for sexual gratification.