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For any woman who has ever had a love/hate relationship with time warner food and with how she looks; for anyone who has knowingly or unconsciously used food to try to fill the hole in his heart or soothe the craggy edges of his psyche, Fat Girl is a brilliantly rendered, angst-filled time warner coming-of-age story of gain and loss. From the lush descriptions of food time warner that call to mind the writings of M. F. K. Fisher at her finest, to the heartbreaking accounts of Moores deep longing for a family and a sense of belonging and love, Fat Girl stuns and shocks, saddens and tickles. Review: "In her memoir of growing up fat, Moore, who previously wrote about food in Never Eat Your Heart Out, employs her edgy, refreshingly candid voice to tell the story of a little girl who weighed 112 pounds in second grade; whose father abandoned her to a raging, wicked mother straight out of the Brothers Grimm; whose lifelong dieting endeavors failed as miserably as her childhood attempts to find love at home.