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Furthermore, she seems to confuse food issues with bbw web site weight issues a lot and vice versa. Eating a healthy diet does not mean that one is necessarily on the way to weight loss. Nor bbw web site does ridding oneself of bad habits, like eating too much sugar, have to be fueled by a desire to lose weight. Improving health does not bbw web site automatically imply weight loss. There needs to be a clear distinction between the two and I would have liked to see an understanding of this in the book. Finally, Shanker asserts on more than one occasion - in bold print, no less - that NO ONE wants to be fat. Now, while this may or may not be true (I very much doubt that it has ever been researched...), it is hardly the kind of statement you want to encounter in a book meant to inspire self-esteem and self-love in fat women. The continuing struggle for fat acceptance is an effort to change the way society (read: all of us) see fat people.