:. V for Vendetta fassbinder fiction

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:. V for Vendetta The Natalie Portman film is an earnestly angry, vaguely philosophical, but ultimately generic action movie. :. fiction Find Me Guilty You might find Vin Diesel guilty of any number of offenses in Sidney Lumet's fiction new film. fiction First, his hair. :. Thank You for Smoking The ironies of Thank You for Smoking are not subtle. :. The Zodiac The Zodiac so altered our consciousness that we can now easily imagine a serial killer with no motivation other than achieving a public spectacle. [Fri, 10.Mar.06] :. The Hills Have Eyes It's bad to be stranded in the desert. Especially when you're surrounded by flesh-eating human mutants. :. Duck Season The kids are not infused with precocious cynicism or degeneracy. They are optimistic, as befits their age. :. The Libertine John Wilmot, the Second Earl of Rochester (Johnny Depp), is always the smartest guy in the room.
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