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Privacy Policy | Terms of Service FILM \ recent film \ recent DVDs \ archive - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \ front page Untitled Fat Girl Director: Catherine Breillat Cast: Anais Reboux, Roxane Mesquida, Arsinee Khanjian, Libero de Rienzo meyer (Cowboy Booking International, 2001) Rated: not rated Reviewed meyer at the New York Film Festival by Lucas Hilderbrand :. e-mail this article :. print this article :. comment on this article She's Gotta Have It Within the past decade of Francophone cinema, two of the most interesting trends have been the parallel thematic emphases on exploring the filmic frontiers of non-pornographic sexual explicitness (Pola X, Sitcom), as well as (frequently queer) adolescent erotic desires in development (Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the '60s in Brussels, Wild Reeds, Set Me Free), or more rarely, both (Come Undone).