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Judith Moore almost certainly has "fat genes," from both her father and from Grammy; she exacerbated the problem by bingeing where and when she could find food (although this was likely in reaction to the strenuous diets her mother forced her to follow); and, most important, if Judith had not been fat, her mother would have abused her for reasons of her own. There is almost no levity in this book. Aside from Uncle Carl's raimi "chartreuse party," where green food raimi is served to celebrate redecorating a green raimi room, it is one harrowing situation after another. Yet, this downbeat memoir raises a lot of important questions: Are fat people forced to work harder to obtain the same love granted those of normal weight? How does growing up fat (as did Judith and her father) affect one's body image as an adult? Does it lead to a permanent "inferiority complex"?