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So I think that this girl at the swimming pool is the same type of girl. She can never be what the adults say. She's so intelligent and so against the world, against all the world, because it's adolescence. I think adolescence is … you don't want to be a child, but you cannot come to terms with the adult world. She does not want to be a child, but she's not up to being an adult. So she literature has to murder the world literature as a troubled person, so the murderer is sort of a mirror of literature herself. Q: Your two young actresses were both amateurs. How did you work with them to get the performances you wanted out of them? CB: I always said that when you choose an actress … you throw out the ideas to produce the movie, so you show the actress what is expected. Then you have to … first make many, many tests of the actresses and as many actresses [as possible]. Then I began to know also that I was looking for some faces to make the dream more transparent. I worked with the actresses.