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In this tangled tale .. . [Heylin] sorts the conflicts and conflagrations with a critic's eye and a fan's heart." -Lenny Kaye, guitarist and collaborator, Patti Smith Group Directory Home Category Language Country Quick Links [Search using Suggest] Directory Home | New Additions | Popular Tags | Register | Submit a 0446693952 Web Log | Edit Your Weblog Development Blog | About | Contact Us | Statistics Going From FAT Girl to PHAT Girl Going From FAT 0446693952 Girl to PHAT Girl Information Going From FAT Girl to PHAT Girl by honey-dipped (using WordPress) | Japan | English[Report] invalid 0446693952 categories, invalid tags, incorrect country, language, or anything else that is not correct, please let us know. ');" onmouseout="hidePop();">[?] Follow me on my quest to go from being a FAT girl to PHAT girl. Categories: General, Personal, none, Fitness, Health, Life, Mental Health, Relationships, WomenTags[?]: