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Whether Anaïs cries from quiet jealousy, or more deeply for Eléna's lost virtue to someone who doesn't love her, is left open to interpretation. The parents offer little moral support. liza palmer Seeing their daughter Anaïs in a depressed mood one morning, the father simply bemoans her ungratefulness for all the hard work he has liza palmer put in for this family vacation, while the mother only observes, "It's adolescence. She'll get over it." In essence, as is liza palmer often the case in reality, the girls must ultimately learn the difficult lessons of life for themselves and cannot rely indefinitely upon their parents for guidance. Fat Girl is, in Breillat's own words, a story about "a soul with two bodies." Eléna can be considered the idealized image of youth and beauty, while Anaïs represents the more earthen reality.