I believe in aliens. noy sex

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I believe in aliens. No, seriously, I do. Not the little green men and not the Hollywood creations, but something other than human beings existing somewhere in this sex universe. I mean, how could we possibly be the only life form aside from other animals in the vastness that is our universe? Even though I have this belief, I still get quite the chuckle from the many conspiracy theories and movements supporting aliens and their unknown ways of life. The sex other day I was reading an article relating to the Raelian Movement. Never heard of the Raelian Movement? Well sex let me enlighten you. This is a not-for-profit movement that abides by the belief that aliens are the source of creation, and not God, Allah or Buddha. Its founder, a Frenchman who goes by the name Rael, but was born Claude Vorilhon, was allegedly wandering around the Alps one sunny day looking for a story (he was a journalist) when a flying saucer appeared in the sky, landed before him, and out waddled some little alien people.
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