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The took me away and brought me back looking like that bloke from Maccas!  A banana bender shouldn´t have to worry about bushrangers!”Mr. Davis then asked, “Can I get compo for this?” thought at 1:41:46 PM :: comment ( 0 ) :: email this thought :: Tuesday 2nd event management December 2003 The slush fund grows Yes, Yes, Yes!  event management Another $16,500 for me, me, me!The only problem is the bank has taken the last $63,600 back.  What a pack of ungrateful bastards :o)This time I used a hotmail account, different names etc, same bank account.  I have event management also found four different websites they send people to to get their email address.  The bank doesn't appear to care much about all this.  Maybe it costs them more to track it than they lose.However, I have had a call (on the machine) from customer relations, but she isn't in today.  Maybe they are going to reward me at last. 
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