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Ahhh yes, what heaven. Submitted by Caz on January 8, 2003 - 21:58. plump girls galleries » login or register to post comments | 126 reads plump girls galleries Wherefore art plump girls galleries thou, Monty the Weatherman? Submitted by Caz on November 18, 2002 - 17:28. Posted in Television One of the greatest mysteries to grip this great nation of ours in recent times was the strange disappearance of Monty the Weatherman earlier this year. One morning I woke up to participate in what used to be a daily ritual (switch on TV, find channel Nein, snark at Alan Jones' 7:15am rant, drink coffee, pretend to be human, let reality sink in, see what Monty says weather is going to be like, dig out appropriate clothing from ironing heap, somehow manage to shower, iron, dress & drive to work) only to be told that "by the way, today is Monty's last day."
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