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Inc. or its affiliates Title Person -Ginette Vincendeau Film Info200186 minutesColor1.85:1Dolby Digital Stereo 2.0AnamorphicFrenchRelease InfoCatalog Number:FAT060ISBN:0-78002-908-9 UPC:0-37429-19772-1SRP: $29.95 Synopsis Twelve-year-old Anaïs is fat. Her sister, Elena, is a teenage beauty. While on vacation with their parents, Anaïs tags along with Elena as she explores the dreary seaside town. Elena meets Fernando, an Italian law student, who seduces her with promises of love, and the ever-watchful Anaïs bears witness to the corruption of her fat sister’s innocence. Precise and uncompromising, Catherine fat Breillat’s Fat Girl is a bold dissection of fat sibling rivalry and female adolescent sexuality from one of contemporary cinema‘s most controversial directors.
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