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Eric D. Snider, ERICDSNIDER.COM "Breillat is a skilled director, who has created a troubling film black bbw that examines the simple pleasures of the human condition for young people and puts a complex spin black bbw on it."-- Dennis Schwartz, OZUS' WORLD MOVIE REVIEWS "Drenched in nasty cynicism far beyond reason."-- Arthur Salm, SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE "The movie feels the need to contain an unbelievable big surprise whose only obvious purpose is to give viewers something to talk about afterwards."-- Steve Rhodes, black bbw INTERNET REVIEWS "Something teenagers should be forced to watch, if not just for a lesson on what men will say to get into girls' pants."-- Jon Popick, PLANET SICK-BOY "Blunt and polarizing, Breillat's brilliant film captures something so vividly imaginative and compounding in a search for risky titilation at the expense of eager self-discovering teen virgins."--