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I gain twenty pounds and lose fifteen. I gain brother on sister porn forty and lose fifty. I do not supply windbag notions about what's wrong with me. I tell you only what I know about myself, which is not all that much. You, if you read Fat Girl, will know more about me than I know. Fat Girl is a confessional box and inside those four walls I make a clean breast of it. Fat Girl tells the story of my family and the brother on sister porn food we ate. We were an unhappy family. With the exception of my father's brother on sister porn maternal grandparents and a woman who worked for them and my mother's half-brother, nobody much loved anybody. There was not a lot of family feeling. There was not a lot of blood is thicker than water and home is where the heart is. Everybody was pretty much in it for themselves. We were hard American isolatos. We were solitaries, some of us, even outcasts. Unhappy families, though, still have to eat. For my father and for me, who are Fat Girl's primary fatso's, food was source of some of our greatest pleasure and most awful pain.