Hosted by Leonard Teale. cd bmg

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Hosted by Leonard Teale.   FOLLOWING THE RABBIT PROOF FENCE 9 Network / 1x60m-e / 2002 Documentary going behind the scenes bmg of Philip Noyce's film Rabbit Proof Fence (which followed the true stories of three half caste "stolen" Aboriginal girls and their escape from their settlement and return home to Jigalong). bmg The documentary used footage shot by various members of the crew as well as Noyce's daughter.   FOOTBALL QUIZ 10 Network / x30m-e / 1971 Friday evening at 7.00pm bmg footy quiz in which Rugby League stars were quizzed on their football knowledge. Hosted by Don Lane and shown directly before Lane's Look at the League.   THE FOOTY SHOW  9 Network / x60minutes / 1994-continuing   Prime time rugby league/aussie rules variety show that is networked nationally with the two different formats. 
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