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Spoof on current affairs shows. The show is also known as Behind the Frontline and Breaking News. With:- ROB SITCH as Mike Moore / KEVIN J. WILSON as Sam Murphy / BRUNO LAWRENCE as Brian Thompson / STEVE BISLEY as Graeme Prowse / TIRIEL MORA as MATIN DI STASIO / JANE KENNEDY as Brooke Vandenberg plump teen / ALISON WHYTE as Emma plump teen Ward / SANTO CILAURO as Geoffrey Salter / LYNDA GIBSON as Trish    FRONT UP SBS / 10x30m-e / 1994 Producer: Andrew L. Urban Ordinary people talk about their lives to Andrew L. Urban.   FROST OVER AUSTRALIA 7 plump teen Network-Paradine Productions / 20x60m-e / 1972-74 black and white Producer: Graham McPherson David Frost brings his chat show to Australia where he interviews well known political figures and celebrities.   THE FUGITIVE Ten Network / x30m-e / 2002 A gameshow based on a radio original in which five fugitives around the country are tracked down (or not as the case may be) by members of the public, still heavily tied in with the radio show (heard on various stations across the country).
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